Computer Systems Hardware
We’re not some vast computer warehouse out to flog you some box we can make a quick buck on.
Quite simply, we provide I.T. materials that are tailored to your needs. Andor can supply everything from PCs, portable computers and printers to software, memory and modems.
But then it’s not just a quick handshake and a goodbye. You can make full use of our specialist knowledge to help with any installation. And you can be sure that if you ring us with any problem, you’ll be talking to people who know what they’re on about.
System Installation
To make it all work in harmony, we take responsibility for setting up and installing the computers and servers. We’ll carry out the network cabling and connect it all to the various pieces of equipment such as switches and routers. All housed within proper secure cabinets.
Remote Monitoring
We keep an eye on your system with automated remote monitoring services. We can usually detect a potential problem even before it has an impact. Regular daily reports also keep us informed of your system’s health. You receive tailored summary weekly reports.
Wired & Wireless Networks
No company can function effectively without good internal communications. The right network can help your colleagues talk more freely and work together more productively.
At Andor we create networks that are like fully interlocking jigsaws. Every piece is linked to every other piece. Information can be instantly shared throughout your company. Vital resources can be shared whether in the office or across the Internet. And how can we guarantee this? Because we’re the people who will have connected everyone up. Which also means that we’re better equipped to help should anything go wrong.
Internet & Broadband
Having a robust, secure Internet connection is essential for day to day operations and communications. We will ensure your web access, email, remote connections and all the other vital tasks carried out using the Internet, work efficiently.
We’ll liaise with the Internet provider and we’ll supply, install and configure suitable routers and firewalls that connect the Internet services to your office network.
Hosted Services (Cloud Based)
With the advent of fast Internet connections, it’s now possible to run many operations online which traditionally could only take place on the computers in the office.
Everything from data storage and email to backups can be hosted via Andor, elsewhere on the Internet. This can take the responsibility away from your own system and yet appear as if it were being run locally. Andor can provide these hosted services, often referred to as the “cloud” because of its ubiquitous nature that it doesn’t really matter were the action takes place!
Email & Domain Names
As a means of communication Email has become as important as the ‘phone. Your
oganisation’s visibility and reputation revolves around having a suitable domain name
(e.g. yourcompany.co.uk) and an effective email system.
With a domain you can then have a website, too, essential for trading or credibility
Rather than just asking, “What do you want?”, we prefer to ask, “Where do you want to be?”
Once we’ve ascertained your targets, we’ll help you work out how to get there. We’ll look at your current system from top to bottom. We’ll recommend and supply the hardware and software that will move your company forward. And we’ll make sure your people have enough knowledge and backup materials to put your plans for the future into action. We have years of experience and the formal qualifications to advise you.
Not only will we give you a comprehensive, easy-to-read report, but we’ll also help to run your project with a successful outcome.
Computer & Internet Security
Securing the company data and systems are a vital part of any business, it’s the
unacceptable face of the Internet that puts organisations at risk from all sorts of
From hackers and viruses to data theft and system failure, we will provide built-in
security in the form of hardware firewalls, network-based anti-virus systems,
password policies and continuous system monitoring.
Andor will always be keeping an eye on your system’s health so you don’t have to
If you’re worried about your data falling into the wrong hands? We can provide a
means of securely encrypting your data especially useful for laptops which are
frequently on the go and sometimes left on trains!
Online Backups
Are you still using an out dated backup solution? Tape, CD, DVD, Memory Stick, all media that is now considered old technology, The latest secure online data backup technology is now available. Andor’s secure data backup service ranges from secure online data backup for businesses to single laptop or PC backup accounts.
Online offsite computer and server backup has many practical advantages over more conventional backup methods like CD or DVD, Zip drive, tape or external hard disk. Backup all your mission critical data from multiple sites and all your servers/Laptops/Computers to a single backup account. No need to buy backup hardware, tape storage. The backup software is supplied as part of the service. Andor will set it up for you and give you full support. We’ll even help you restore data which is a doddle.
Your data is encrypted locally to military grade standards. For complete peace of mind, your data is duplicated to two secure data centres in the UK. Unlimited data storage available for your growing needs.Backups are scheduled automatically to run, no human intervention needed, or human errors. The software comes with all the plug-ins, there is nothing it won't backup.
Remote System Access
Prefer to work from home when you can? Or if it’s bad weather you and your
colleagues can connect to the office network, use email and be as productive as if
you were at your desk.
We can provide you with secure efficient connectivity to access all your information
and data whether on the move or in your pyjamas. |